
our group

Our group consists of six people,including four girls and two boys:Hamburger,Cherry,Susannah,Bourne,YuQing Zhong and YuHang Mu.

Bourne is Here!

Glade to see ya!My teammates,espacialy our guest:Ms LoiAs all of us see,my friends shows a lot about her American trip.That's Wunder--bar! That's really come up a great passionI'm just a boy jump out of mountains(Not monkey king XD)I mean I come from Guizhou.So......Let me introduce myself to you,I'm Bourne Maybe you are tired of tall buildings and reinforced concrete forest,and now I'd like to share my nature life,my pure passion to you(I din't have some couples of pictures)

I think this is our real life!!!!!The life we really need!!!!!!

My brother and I
Ready to jump into a nature life-----Fishing(Do it myself , no worry!)

Our holiland!!
It’s the road back to nature life!!!(I’m a little bit homesick ~~ )

Our holiland!!
Alright,this is my village ,my love.I just know that Maters are not our life’s goal.Nature is our really want in the deepest of our hart.Because we are all ANIMALSOur instinct is running, just running.So try to be nature(It’s our goal.but nobody can touch.Becuse we are not just animal.)I think I've drift so far~~Okydoky,it’s just a part of our country, as you can see ,peace , silent and harmony.This is Guizhou, isn’t it wonderful?Welcome to our countryside, there are a lot of sceneries to enjoy. I can be your best guide!

【By Susannah】My pictures about Canada

Hello everybody, welcome back~ If you have read my last blog, you must know something I went to North America. So, I, Susannah, want to show my picture about Canada now

Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls comprises three distinct cataracts. The tallest are the American and Bridal Veil falls on the American side, separated by tiny Luna Island and plunging over jagged rocks in a 180ft drop; the broad Horseshoe Falls which curve their way over to Canada are probably the most impressive. They date back a mere twelve thousand years, when the retreat of melting glaciers allowed water trapped in Lake Erie to gush north to Lake Ontario. Back then the falls were seven miles downriver, but constant erosion has cut them back to their present site. The falls are colorfully lit up at night, and many say they're most beautiful in winter, when the grounds are covered in snow and the waters turn to ice.

My aunt, I and my mother

Canada Day (1st July)
Canada Day, formerly Dominion Day, is Canada's national day, a federal statutory holiday, celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867 enactment of the British North America Act of 1867, which united Canada as a single country of four provinces. Canada Day observances take place throughout Canada and also internationally.
The pictures are at Ottawa..

Algonquin park
We really had fun at Algonquin Park. It was the first time I had gone camping and gone rowing .The essence of Algonquin is its vast backcountry of maple hills, rocky ridges, spruce bogs, and thousands of lakes, ponds and streams. The only way to explore this rugged beauty is by canoe or on foot. If you want to know more information about Algonquin Park, you can visit http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca

You can see the small animal here and there.
In short, I really like Canada because this country have a perfect habitat and wonderful biodiversity. In my view, the great environment is associated with Canada people. We should learn them!

Essay:Safety of Transportation

Safety has a significant impact on all forms of travel.
On one hand, every visitor hopes to have a pleasant journey and spend a vacation safely. And security is a fundamental guarantee which all visitors want to achieve. At the same time, Travel safety is the most important issue that tourists will consider before their traveling, because safety of life and property play a decisive role in judging whether you travel well .
On the other hand, safety directly affects tourists' motivation. As a result, it affects tourists' flow and revenue. It has a significant impact on tourism development. Security is the first and the most important issue of effect on tourism development.
In a word,safety and security is very important in all forms of travel !
However, there are so many modes of transportation for traveling. So a new problem comes into being: what's the safest mode?
Obviously, traveling by air saves time to a highest degree. But when it comes to safety, some people may generate a sense of anxiety as they are accustomed to moving on the ground. And a large number of reports concerning air crash also increase people’s fear of traveling by air. Now, let me show you some data and analyze them. Then you will make a reasonable and reliable conclusion that traveling by air is the safest mode of transportation.
We just count the amounts of accidents which people died in every million flights. In 1991 it was 1.7 on average. But in 1999, it was the first time that this data was under 1. Actually, this data decreased to 0.85 in 2000 unexpectedly .All these data can make us clear that, if a man travels by air every day, it will take 3223 years to meet an accident. And to be honest, not all of the passengers will die in an air accident. From all the air accidents happening from 1949 to 1997, we divide them into three cases:
Airplane destroyed and people died: 58%
Airplane destroyed but no people died: 32%
Airplane not destroyed but people died: 10%
As technology is developing quickly, the computer system will become more and more intelligent and accurate.

Another proof also can make our opinion stable:
In 1978,the statistics of dead people in a hundred million people per traveling kilometer are:

Road :0.4 people

Cruise:0.2 people

Railway:0.08 people



since that time , the number still decreasing,though the passenger traffic rising up.
After the 90's , that data get down to 0.02.(still decreasing)

Therefore, traveling by air will get safer and safer!


Yes!It`s passion.I like passion very much!I`m Yuqing Zhong.

Passion has a big power which can let us live our life more exciting.positive dynamic and lively.Those are what I need and I belive they are what we all need.What`s more.They are what I love .I`m feeling so good when I have passion to live or to do something.I would like have passion to do everything.Whenever you can do something with passion,you are young.If I`m a plane,the passion would be the oil.It let me fly in the sky
I blive ,If a person lose passion He also lose passion to live in this world because life needs passion.Passion make life more beatuful and lively.
What I have written.you can think it as a compitition about passion,but on the other hand.you can think it as a self introduction.Yes,I`m a girl full of passion.I like passion.I have lot of habbies.Such as basketball,swimming,the majority of sport and movies,music play the piano.I`m Zhong Yuqing
I love and good at playing basketball,Kobe Bryant is my favourite basketball player.I like the passion which the
basketball and Kobe bring to me!!

I also like music and piano,they let me calm down and let me enjoy another kind of life.That`s feel so good
That`s me!


Hello everyone !I come from Da Lian. You can call me wolf when you see the picture you must think it is so beautiful. But do you know where it is?

Yes. It is my hometown Da Lian. Da Lian is a beautiful city. Every year,a lot of tourists come to Da Lian from anywhere.
"'As one of the would-be-inspected places, Tiger Beach Ocean Park has invested 3.5 million Yuan RMB to better their service facilities for the coming site inspection of “Creating Best Toursim City in China” .
Tiger Beach Ocean Park spent 3.5 million Yuan RMB to build 16 star-level toilets, among them, 12 toilets are at 3-star level, 2 toilets at 4-star level and 2toilets at 5-star level, the total quantity met the requirements of National standard of 5 A Scenery Zone.exclusive chamber for the disabled, liquid soap, automatic hand dryer, toilet paper, paper tissue are provided in these star-level toilets, It is very conveniet for visitor to get guidemap and information at the entrance with the help of staff in the garden.

Exclusive rest room and dining zone for drivers were built in order to let them have some funs and a good rest, that is a very important factor to guarantee the safty drive and happy jorney. These services and facilities provided in the garden show their humanity concern to visitors. ""

My love for my hometown

My hometown--Changsha which is the capital of Hunan Province locates in the middle of China.Because of its rich and varied night life,Changsha is known as "star city" to people throughout the country.In fact,I was not born in Changsha,however,I falled in love deeply with this city as soon as I moved from Nanning,Guangxi to here when I was only three years old.

Due to its special geography position and status,Changsha plays an indespensable role in promoting the developement of middle China.Nowadays,Changsha is changing to a modern and international city at an amazing speed.I believe that Changsha must become an ecnomical and cultural centre of China in one day.

If you have a visit to the whole city,you may find that the scenery of Changsha is so attractive that you will enjoy living here.From all the scenic spots of Changsha,Yuelu Mountain and JuZiZhouTou are the most typical places that attract people all around the world.

If you have a meal in Changsha,you will be keen on the its tasty food like stinky tofu and spicy lobsters.

Till now, I have spent fifteen years living in Changsha.I feel so grateful for my hometown as she brought me up and made me grow up happily as well as healthily.Whenever it is or wherever I stay in,my love for my hometown is the faith that I will keep forever!!!


SPICY HOTPOT.THIS is another food I like...though I can't eat so spicy...I like challenge..Every time I feel not good,I go to hotpot shop with my friends,we eat spicy food,and then we feel so good...
PINEAPPLE BUN ,my favourite bread..WHEN I came to Hong Kong,I left my luggage in the hotel,and went to the famous teahouse for tasting the delicious pineapple bun...wa~~~yummy..yummy...

--------by hamburger

【By Susannah】 My pictures about the U.S.A.

Hello everybody~ I’m Susannah, from Beijing.Last year, I went to The U.S.A. and Canada. So I want to show some pictures to us.
Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco)
The orange towers of the Golden Gate Bridge-probably the most beautiful, certainly the most photographed bridge in the world-are visible from almost every point of elevation in San Francisco. The only cleft in Northern California's 600-mile continental wall, for years this mile-wide strait was considered unbridgeable. As much an architectural as an engineering feat, the Golden Gate took only 52 months to design and build, and was opened in 1937. Designed by Joseph Strauss, it was the first really massive suspension bridge, with a span of 4200ft, and until 1959 ranked as the world's longest. It connects the city at its northwesterly point on the peninsula to Marin County and Northern California, rendering the hitherto essential ferry crossing redundant, and was designed to withstand winds of up to a hundred miles an hour and to swing as much as 27ft

Las VegasLas Vegas is in the southern part of the state of Nevada, about 50 miles east of the California border and 30 miles west of the Arizona border. The city is divided into two main parts: a compact downtown called Glitter Gulch and the Strip, a corridor of hotels and casinos. Statue of Liberty (New York)Made in Paris by the French sculptor Bartholdi, in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel (who was responsible for the steel framework), this towering monument to liberty was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence in 1886. Standing at the entrance to New York Harbour, it has welcomed millions of immigrants to the United States ever since.


CATS are my favourite pets...THEY are not only cute but also clever..
----------by hamburger