
Bourne is Here!

Glade to see ya!My teammates,espacialy our guest:Ms LoiAs all of us see,my friends shows a lot about her American trip.That's Wunder--bar! That's really come up a great passionI'm just a boy jump out of mountains(Not monkey king XD)I mean I come from Guizhou.So......Let me introduce myself to you,I'm Bourne Maybe you are tired of tall buildings and reinforced concrete forest,and now I'd like to share my nature life,my pure passion to you(I din't have some couples of pictures)

I think this is our real life!!!!!The life we really need!!!!!!

My brother and I
Ready to jump into a nature life-----Fishing(Do it myself , no worry!)

Our holiland!!
It’s the road back to nature life!!!(I’m a little bit homesick ~~ )

Our holiland!!
Alright,this is my village ,my love.I just know that Maters are not our life’s goal.Nature is our really want in the deepest of our hart.Because we are all ANIMALSOur instinct is running, just running.So try to be nature(It’s our goal.but nobody can touch.Becuse we are not just animal.)I think I've drift so far~~Okydoky,it’s just a part of our country, as you can see ,peace , silent and harmony.This is Guizhou, isn’t it wonderful?Welcome to our countryside, there are a lot of sceneries to enjoy. I can be your best guide!

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