
Essay:Safety of Transportation

Safety has a significant impact on all forms of travel.
On one hand, every visitor hopes to have a pleasant journey and spend a vacation safely. And security is a fundamental guarantee which all visitors want to achieve. At the same time, Travel safety is the most important issue that tourists will consider before their traveling, because safety of life and property play a decisive role in judging whether you travel well .
On the other hand, safety directly affects tourists' motivation. As a result, it affects tourists' flow and revenue. It has a significant impact on tourism development. Security is the first and the most important issue of effect on tourism development.
In a word,safety and security is very important in all forms of travel !
However, there are so many modes of transportation for traveling. So a new problem comes into being: what's the safest mode?
Obviously, traveling by air saves time to a highest degree. But when it comes to safety, some people may generate a sense of anxiety as they are accustomed to moving on the ground. And a large number of reports concerning air crash also increase people’s fear of traveling by air. Now, let me show you some data and analyze them. Then you will make a reasonable and reliable conclusion that traveling by air is the safest mode of transportation.
We just count the amounts of accidents which people died in every million flights. In 1991 it was 1.7 on average. But in 1999, it was the first time that this data was under 1. Actually, this data decreased to 0.85 in 2000 unexpectedly .All these data can make us clear that, if a man travels by air every day, it will take 3223 years to meet an accident. And to be honest, not all of the passengers will die in an air accident. From all the air accidents happening from 1949 to 1997, we divide them into three cases:
Airplane destroyed and people died: 58%
Airplane destroyed but no people died: 32%
Airplane not destroyed but people died: 10%
As technology is developing quickly, the computer system will become more and more intelligent and accurate.

Another proof also can make our opinion stable:
In 1978,the statistics of dead people in a hundred million people per traveling kilometer are:

Road :0.4 people

Cruise:0.2 people

Railway:0.08 people



since that time , the number still decreasing,though the passenger traffic rising up.
After the 90's , that data get down to 0.02.(still decreasing)

Therefore, traveling by air will get safer and safer!

1 条评论:

  1. excellent answers with figure illustration , well done.
